Cruciferous Salad

Serves 4,  Preparation Time 15 minutes

Part of a Nutritious Meal

Our Cruciferous Salad is a cauliflower and broccoli salad, made with fresh chopped cauliflower, broccoli with fresh chopped parsley, fresh basil mixed with homemade hummus. By design the Cruciferous Salad is quick to make and has a number of attributes that it attractive to children.  No vegetables are cooked to retain their lively colours and retain their crunchiness. The veggies are chopped into small pieces making it very simple to eat, just scope into the month. Lastly, hummus adds creaminess, savouriness, and a little saltiness that makes the food irresistible.  

  • 1 cup of finely diced washed and dry cauliflower
  • 1 cup of finely diced washed and dry broccoli
  • one stalk or two of freshly chopped parsley
  • 1 quarter cup of fresh basil
  • 4 tablespoons of store bought or homemade hummus.
  • dash of black pepper
  • splash of water or lemon juice about a teaspoon worth.
  1. Using a mixing bow mix all the ingredients together. 
  2. If the salad looks to dry or is difficult to mix consider adding another teaspoon of water or lemon juice. 
  3. Serve half a cup as a starter or side dish. 

Do you want to introduce your child to a new vegetable.  The direct approach is not always successful. How many times have you said or heard the argument, "How do you know you don't like it unless you try it?", followed with defeat, "because I don't like it." Using the indirect approach make be a better start, for example your Cruciferous Salad maybe the perfect vehicle to carry small pieces of sweet red peppers, cucumber, celery, green onions, avocado, or chopped spinach.  Need more to make the salad attractive to the taste buds, add the sweetness of raisins, chopped pineapple, or chopped orange slices. 

Dandelion Pineapple Salad

Tabbouleh Salad

Traditional Chickpea Hummus

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